Our School » Principal’s Message

Principal’s Message

Welcome to another exciting year at Whitemouth School! It is with great enthusiasm that the staff and I extend our warmest greetings to each one of you. As we embark on this year’s academic journey, I want to share a few keys thoughts that will shape our collective experience.


At Whitemouth School, our primary focus is your success. I need you to remember that success is not just about the end result, but also about the effort you put forward along the way. You will face many challenges this year, and with each one, it should be viewed as an opportunity to learn and grow. With dedication, perseverance, and a positive attitude, you can overcome any obstacle and achieve your personal goals.

This year, we are committed to helping you excel in literacy and numeracy. With our focus on reading, writing and problem-solving skills, we will provide you with the foundations needed to succeed. Whether it is through engaging lessons, one on one / group support, and collaborative activities, we aim not only to meet but to exceed our goals in these essential academic areas.

Whether you are passionate about badminton, curling, softball, volleyball, or track, there is a place for you to shine. It is important to participate in sports as it not only improves your physical fitness but also teaches you valuable century 21 life skills such as: communication, collaboration, critical thinking, sportsmanship, and time management.

Continuing this year, will be our growth mindset assemblies, occurring monthly. Embracing a growth mindset is a key to unlocking your full potential. During these assemblies, we will explore the power of believing in your own ability to develop skills through dedication and hard work. We will all challenge ourselves to view challenges as opportunities for growth and learning.

As we move through the year, I need you to remember that your education is a collaborative effort. Our dedicated staff team are here to support you every step of the way. Do not hesitate to seek guidance, ask questions, and share your thoughts in a respectful manner.  You will make mistakes but let’s correct them and move forward together. Your journey at Whitemouth School is not just about academics, it is also about personal growth and building lifelong relationships.


Together, let’s fill this school year with achievements, camaraderie, and unforgettable experiences. Embrace those challenges, celebrate your successes, and create memories that will last forever.

Wishing you all the best in this year ahead.

Kind regards,

Mr. R. Bonneteau

Principal – Whitemouth School