Bradley Peters » Graphics


Graphics will be a bit difficult to learn from home so please try your best to explore different ways graphics can be used in daily life.  We are fortunate to still learn different techniques used in photography by using our phones/devices, watching youtube videos, and following different tutorials.
I will be adding links as the days go on as I come across useful materials. Please feel free to email me links to webpages that you might find interesting.
Please explore different graphics related apps that are available for phones. When you come back you will share an app with the class.
Take care,
Mr. Peters
Photoshop Tutorials Ideas;
Phone/App Editing ( Try a couple ) use the free ones 
April 15th
I have been testing out some free stop motion apps that can be used at home. One that I found to work well was "Stop Motion Studio".  The app is teal with an film reel video recorder.  I will attach a picture of it.  It took me a about 10 minutes to explore the different functions of the app and I was pretty impressed.  You have access to front or rear camera, can set a lock on the focus, set a lock on exposure to stop inconsistent brightness, there is a setting to set a timer to give you time to move the object before frames.  You are able to delete photos out of the time line as well.  I found it very easy to use once I figured out all the functions. 
I was able to send myself a 55 picture stop motion, played at 4frames per second ...14 seconds  (was 5mb)  I believe we can send 10mb in an email.  If you'd like to make a longer video you can send it in two parts. 
If you have any questions for me please email.  I look forward to seeing your stop motions sometime next week!